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Recording audio and video after having played video with audio

I'm building an app in which I can record video with audio input.

It works well: I use AVCaptureSession with two AVCaptureDeviceInput , one for video, one for audio. I then record the movie with AVCaptureMovieFileOutput . Until now, no problem, my video gets recorded, and audio is present.

But I have a problem if I try to record this video with audio input after a video (with audio) has been played (with AVPlayer ). Indeed, the video gets recorded, but there is no audio!

Three things:

I have tried to put [[AVAudioSession sharedInstance] setCategory:AVAudioSessionCategoryRecord error:nil]; before recording, it doesn't change anything.

Any AVPlayer instance is paused before trying to record anything.

The AVPlayer instance, even if paused, is still present when I try to record (is it a problem?)

I would like to say that I have this problem on my iPhone 4, but the same app, compiled on my iPad Air, works like a charm (there is audio in my recording even after having played a video...). How is it even possible?


Before taking video just

  [self.moviePlayer replaceCurrentItemWithPlayerItem:nil];

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