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Laravel 4 Commands stopped working suddenly

Back from vacation, and when I'm trying to run one of my previously working command:

php artisan list

Throws me:

[root@api2]# php artisan list {"error":{"type":"Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Debug\\\\Exception\\\\FatalErrorException","message":"Call to a member function getArgument() on a non-object","file":"\\/var\\/www\\/html\\/api2.alariscms.com\\/vendor\\/laravel\\/framework\\/src\\/Illuminate\\/Console\\/Command.php","line":153}}

And I seriously cannot understand why this happens. I tried debugging the file that throws an error. It awaits argument: InputInterface $input but it gets NULL

I don't know what can go wrong on a framework level to stop receiving the required object.

Any ideas where to start debugging from? Or I can reload configurations / update laravel via cmd?


This is what I would do:

php artisan dump
composer dump-autoload
check for current Laravel version 

and then go to that specific command and check for bug there.

Also, what kind of argument are you trying to pass to command ? Is that object - if so check where is implementation of that class ?

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