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change background color of a section and border-bottom color of a header with javascript

I am trying to change the background color of a section and a border-bottom color of a header when a button in corresponding color is clicked. For example when the blue button is clicked I want the background color of the section to change into this color : rgb(203, 223, 242) and the bottom border of the header to change into rgb(225, 255, 255).

I have tried with document.getElementsByTagName('section') and I retrieve the section tag, but after that when I attempt to change the background color with the following piece of code secColor.style.backgroundColor = 'rgb(203, 223, 242)' nothing happens.

Thank you in advance!

Here is part of the HTML code:

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="StyleSheet.css"/>
                        <button id="blue" onclick="functionBlueSection('rgb(203, 223, 242)'); functionBlueHeader('(225, 255, 255)');"></button>
                        <button id="red" onclick="functionRedSection(); functionRedHeader();"></button>
                        <button id="yellow" onclick="functionYellowSection(), functionYellowHeader()"></button>

                        <a href="#">List item</a>
                                    <a href="#">Sublist item</a>
                                    <a href="#">Sublist item</a>
                                    <a href="#">Sublist item</a>
                                    <a href="#">Sublist item</a>

        <script type="text/javascript">
           function functionBlueSection()  {
  var secColor = document.getElementsByTagName('section');
  secColor.style.backgroundColor = 'rgb(203, 223, 242)';

            var headColor = document.getElementsByTagName('header');
            function functionBlueHeader(){
                headColor.style.borderBottom = 'thin solid rgb(225, 255, 255)';



Please add jquery to your project add a <script src="" tag, (see the jquery website on how to add) and avoid - inline onClick attributes are not in use anymore.

the following code should help you after inserting jQuery, and chaging the properties to the desired result:

$(document).ready(function () {

 this.css("border","1px solid blue");


 this.css("border","1px solid blue");

 this.css("border","1px solid blue");


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