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Controlling UISwitch in a custom UITableViewCell

I have created a custom UITableViewCell and a class for the cell. I then load this cell in my viewController into a tableview. The custom cell has a label and a UiSwitch. I have managed to get the switch to work as I want it to and change values that are needed to change.

I now wanted a separate UISwitch outside of the UITableView - that when it is turned on - all the switches in the UITableView are turned on.

For some reason i cannot get this to work.

This is the code for the custom cell:

- (void)selectAllSwitches:(BOOL)selected 
    if (selected){
        [self.selectSwitch setOn:YES animated:YES];
        [self.selectSwitch setOn:NO animated:YES];

-(void)setMaillist:(BBMailList *)aMaillist
    maillist = aMaillist;

    if (maillist){
        self.nameLabel.text = maillist.name;

        if (self.maillist.isSubscribed){
            self.selectSwitch.on = YES;
            self.selectSwitch.on = NO;

- (IBAction)switchControl:(UISwitch *)sender
    self.maillist.isSubscribed = !self.maillist.isSubscribed;

    NSLog (@"IsSubScribed: %ul", self.maillist.isSubscribed);

    if (self.maillist.isSubscribed){
        self.selectSwitch.on = YES;
        self.selectSwitch.on = NO;

Then in cellForRowAtIndexPath:

static NSString *mailListTableViewCellIdentifier = @"BBMailListTableViewCell";

if (tableView == self.maillistTableview ){

    BBMailListTableViewCell * maillistTableviewCell = [self.maillistTableview dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:mailListTableViewCellIdentifier];
    if (!maillistTableviewCell){
        NSArray *nib = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:mailListTableViewCellIdentifier owner:self options:nil];
        maillistTableviewCell = nib[0];

    if ([self.mailLists count ] > 0){
        NSMutableArray *newArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:self.mailLists];
        [newArray removeLastObject];
        [newArray removeLastObject];
        [self.maillistTableview setContentSize:CGSizeMake(320, 400)];

        BBMailList *maillist = newArray[indexPath.row];

        maillistTableviewCell.maillist = maillist;

    return maillistTableviewCell;

This code works as I need it to.

I then created an IBAction methon in my viewController for the UISwitch that is outside of the tableView

- (IBAction)selectAllSwitch:(UISwitch *)sender
    BBMailListTableViewCell *switchButton = [[BBMailListTableViewCell alloc]init];
    [switchButton selectAllSwitches:YES];

This runs the correct method in my UITableViewCell class - but the UITableView doesn't reflect the changes. I added [self.myTableView reloadData]; - but this did not solve the issue. Can anyone shed some light not his for me?


Updated Code for the UISwitch outside of the UITableView

- (IBAction)selectAllSwitch:(UISwitch *)sender

    BBMailList *tempMailList = [[BBMailList alloc]init];

    tempMailList.isSubscribed = YES; 

    [self.maillistTableViewCell setMaillist:tempMailList];

    [self.maillistTableViewCell selectAllSwitches:YES];

    [self.maillistTableview reloadData];


Each mailistItem is a NSObject I use to store data with. The above code runs the correct methods - but it seems I am not keeping the state maybe and when [self.mayTableView reloadData]; runs - it resets the tableview data to original state?

The logic to solve the problem would be:

1) From your code it looks that the on/off functionality is dependent on your maillist.isSubscribed property. In your IBAction of viewcontroller, set it to true .

2) Call [self.myTableView reloadData]; in this IBAction. So once the table loads cell the array's element will help the switch set to ON/OFF.

Hope it helps!


It seems like you are losing your track. Because in your IBAction of your viewController you are creating a new array of type BBMailList . Try like this:

Assuming your self.mailLists is a collection of BBMailList type.


- (IBAction)selectAllSwitch:(UISwitch *)sender
    // loop through each array element set it to true.
    for (BBMailList *tempMailList in self.mailLists)
        tempMailList.isSubscribed = Yes;

    // reload table data so once table
    [self.maillistTableview reloadData];

and in cellForRowAtIndexPath change your setting up of mail list like this:

if ([self.mailLists count ] > 0){
    NSMutableArray *newArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:self.mailLists];
    [newArray removeLastObject];
    [newArray removeLastObject];
    [self.maillistTableview setContentSize:CGSizeMake(320, 400)];

    BBMailList *maillist = newArray[indexPath.row];

    [maillistTableviewCell setMaillist: maillist]; // <--- Changed this line

Add UISwitch to all cells and in cellForRowAtIndexPath hide UISwitch in cell you dont want to display it.

You need to add:

1)Array for state(on/off switch state)
2)Array for state(hide/unhide switch)on cells

Then change state's array as your application logic and when you will reload UITableView data it should display data as per state's array values eg

arrayHideUnhide = (@"YES",@"NO",@"YES",@"NO");

arrayOnOff = (@"ON","OFF",@"ON");

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