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Canvas Zooming in HTML5 mobile

I'm currently making a game, and i need to zoom into canvas. I've read a lot about how to zoom in canvas, with the ctx.scale() propriety, the thing is, I want to zoom with both fingers.

I already have the zoom, but it's zooming from the top/left canvas, and not on the middle of my fingers. I have the middle point between finger 1 and finger 2, but i don't know how to zoom into that specific middle point !

This exemple pretty sums up what i need (I just need the zoom) : Zoom Canvas to Mouse Cursor

It's working really fine, but with the wheel !

If any of you as any ideas, I'd be really glad to talk ! :)

Thanks everyone !

I added the touch events ... now you need to find the middle of all points in the evt.touches array (each one has a clientX and clientY, among other properties)

You will also need to keep track the distance beetwen those points in order to change the zoom level.

This bin might help you (check line 46) http://jsbin.com/dived/1/edit?js,output

If you have the center point from which you want to scale, you could use the translation tool provided by the CanvasRenderingContext2D:

void translate(
   in float x,
   in float y

So when you have your canvas context in a variable ctx do

ctx.translate(x, y);

And then

ctx.scale(x, y);

The ctx.translate(x, y) places the origin to x, y coordinates. By default, the origin of the CanvasRenderingContext2D is at 0, 0 ( http://www.w3.org/TR/2dcontext/ ) so that's why the scaling originates from the top left corner.

Source https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/API/CanvasRenderingContext2D#translate()

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