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How to create a custom hash inside form_tag block

I've got a Rails 3 app and I'm trying to create multiple db records from aa single form.

I've got a model, contents, which as attributes of body and id. I've got a view that displays a form that lists all records and puts a checkbox next to it (and sets the value to true/checked). A user has the option to un-select content records that they don't want.

<%= form_tag 'contents' do %>
  <% @contents.each do |content| %>
    <%= label_tag content.body %>
    <%= check_box_tag content.id, content.body, true %>
  <% end %>
  <br />
  <%= submit_tag "Next" %>
<% end %>

When this form pots, I get params that looks like this:

 "2"=>"asdfasdf adf",
 "3"=>"asdf asdf asdf",

But what I want is a params hash that looks like this:

 'user_selections' => {
                      "2"=>"asdfasdf adf",
                      "3"=>"asdf asdf asdf",

How do I push the contents info into it's own hash (that I'm calling the 'user_selection' hash above)?


<%= check_box_tag content.id, content.body, true, { name: "user_selections[#{content.id}]" } %>

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