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Python: Expected an indented block

I thought everything was properly indented here but I am getting an IndentationError: expected an indented block at the else: statement. Am I making an obvious mistake here?

def anti_vowel(text):
    new_string = ""
    vowels = "aeiou"
    for letter in text:
       for vowel in vowels:
           if (lower(letter) == vowel):
               #do nothing
               #append letter to the new string
               new_string += letter
    return new_string

You need to put something inside the if block. If you don't want to do anything, put pass .

Alternatively, just reverse your condition so you only have one block:

if lower(letter) != vowel:
    new_string += letter

Incidentally, I don't think your code will do what you intend it to do, but that's an issue for another question.

Do nothing translates to using the pass keyword to fill an otherwise empty block (which is not allowed). See the official documentation for more information.

def anti_vowel(text):
    new_string = ""
    vowels = "aeiou"
    for letter in text:
       for vowel in vowels:
           if (lower(letter) == vowel):
               #do nothing
               #append letter to the new string
               new_string += letter
    return new_string

You can't do this.

if (lower(letter) == vowel):
    #do nothing


if (lower(letter) == vowel):
    #do nothing

This can be caused by mixing tabs and spaces. However, this is probably caused by having nothing inside your if statement. You can use "pass" as a placeholder (see example below).

    if condition:

Information on pass: http://docs.python.org/release/2.5.2/ref/pass.html

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