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Extract on “-” delimited in pandas

I have a pandas series with some values like 19.99-20.99 (ie two numbers separated by a dash). How would you just take the left or right value?

Use split("-") on the resulting string and then access the result with index notation, ie split_result[1] .

Here's an example:

In [5]: my_series = pandas.Series(['19.22-20.11','18.55-34.22','12.33-22.00','13.33-34.23'])

In [6]: my_series[0]
Out[6]: '19.22-20.11'

In [7]: my_series[0].split("-")
Out[7]: ['19.22', '20.11']

In [8]: my_series[0].split("-")[0]
Out[8]: '19.22'

In [9]: my_series[0].split("-")[1]
Out[9]: '20.11'
In [1]: s = pd.Series(['19.99-20.99', '20.99-21.99'])

In [2]: s.str.split('-').str[0]
0    19.99
1    20.99
dtype: object

In [3]: s.str.split('-').str[1]
0    20.99
1    21.99
dtype: object

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