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joomla 3.2 module helper.php

I'm doing a module for joomla 3.2,I'm trying to pass a variable from one function to another in the same class, the purpose is to use it in a query.

How can I pass the "$result" variable in the query of the function due() ?

class modUno
    public static function Uno()
        $db = JFactory::getDBO();   
        $query = "SELECT id AS memTotal FROM #__users WHERE username = 'bruno';";

        $result = $db->query();
        return $result->fetch_object()->memTotal;

    public static function due()

        $db = JFactory::getDBO();   
        $query = "SELECT avatar AS memTotal FROM #__comprofiler WHERE id = '$result';";

        $resulta = $db->query();
        return $resulta->fetch_object()->memTotal;

above is the "helper.php", then there's the "mod_chat.php", finally, there is "default.php"


enter code here


defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' );
require_once( dirname(__FILE__).'/helper.php' );

$risultato = modUno::uno();
$foto = modUno::due();
require JModuleHelper::getLayoutPath('mod_chat');


enter code here

<?php defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' ); ?>

<p> risultato: <?php echo $risultato; ?></p>
<p> foto:<img src="http://somesite.com/images/comprofiler/<?php echo $foto; ?>" /></p>

returns errors !

Firstly, this is a PHP question, not a Joomla question. I've found the PHP tutorial on codeacademy.com to be an excellent resource for learning PHP.

Looks like you are trying to get a user's Community Builder avatar. You should not be using direct database queries here. Use Community Builder data API to get what you need. Read more about it here - https://www.joomlapolis.com/support/tutorials/120-api-usage/18361-obtaining-field-values-through-getfields-api (see the end of this article, the code for getting avatar is there)

If you wish to absolutely query the DB, rather than 2 different functions, you should make just 1 and use a JOIN to get the user's avatar based on his Joomla username.

class modUno
    public static function avatar()
        $db = JFactory::getDBO();   
        $query = "SELECT cb.avatar FROM #__comprofiler AS cb, #__users AS u 
        WHERE u.id=cb.user_id AND u.username = 'bruno'";

        $result = $db->loadResult();
        return $result;
        //return $result->fetch_object()->memTotal;

@Lodder - You should never be directly calling execute() when using select queries with Joomla.

As a side note - you need to use ModUno::due() instead of $result->due()

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