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Mapping to base class using automapper

I need to map from a source class to a destination base class with auto-mapper.

My scenario is as below.

class Source
    string FirstID { get; set; }
    string SecondID { get; set; }

Also my destination is as below

class DestinationBase
    string ID { get; set; }

class DestinationObject : DestinationBase
    string Prop { get; set; }

When I use automapper with the

Mapper.CreateMap<Source, DestinationObject>()
      .ForMember(d => d.ID, s => s.MapFrom(s.FirstID))
      .ForMember(d => d.ID, s => s.MapFrom(s.SecondID))

One of the ID after mapping does not work. Please any idea why ? I have tried include but i guess I don't understand its use well enough.

You're specifying the ID field in the destination object twice so the ID will be the value from s.SecondId.
What are you trying to accomplish with FirstID and SecondId in the destination object?

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