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Rails-Heroku-SASS Syntax Errors For File

My repo SelfFunder works perfectly fine at my local machine. When I am deploying on Heroku , I observe the errors as shown below:

Error compiling CSS asset

Sass::SyntaxError: File to import not found or unreadable: homepage/key_points.
Load paths:
(in /app/app/assets/stylesheets/main.scss:3)


I identified the path and observed that homepage/key_points is residing under the following path on my local machine:


Upon modifying the contents of homepage.scss ( as shown below ), Heroku still throws up the same error.

@import "preorder/homepage/key_points";

Appreciate if someone can guide where I am going wrong?

I'm not sure what's your intention there, but you are trying to import a HTML file into a CSS file, which would produce broken CSS if it were successful.

And you can only import files for assets from certain locations ( app/assets , lib/assets or vendor/assets ).

In your case, the clue is on /app/app/assets/images . Notice the double app there. First, please follow the guide on setting up assets compilation for Rails 4 on Heroku .

You seem to be missing gem 'rails_12factor', group: :production on your Gemfile .

I got the issue fixed. I overlooked /assets/stylesheets/homepage directory. It had some .css.scss files which upon renaming to .scss fixed the issue.

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