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Convert single hexadecimal digit to decimal Intel 8086 Assembly Language

Hi I'm having trouble with this code. It will print 0-9 fine but AF or af it just gives me a smiley face which isn't even an ASCII symbol atleast according to the list of symbols my professor has provided us. Here is a my code. Please help. I'm using NASM and DosBox.

    org 100h
; hexadecimal to base 10 conversion program
section .data
    MSG1    dw  " Enter a hexadecimal digit ", '$'
    MSG2    dw  " In decimal it is: ", '$'
    MSG3    dw  " Do you want to do it again? ", '$'
    EMSG    dw  " Illegal character, enter 0..9 or A..F: ", '$'
section .text
; print user prompt 
     mov    dx, MSG1    ; get message
     mov    ah, 09h     ; display string function
     int    21h     ; display it
     jmp    userin      ; jumps to user input so if illegal character is entered message won't display again
; input a hexidecimal number then compare to ASCII codes
     mov    ah, 01h     ; keyboard input function
     int    21h     ; character input, copies character into al
     mov    bh, al      ; moves al into bh to avoid al being messed with
     cmp    bh, 30h     ; compares input to ASCII code for 0
      jl    error       ; if input is less than 0 jump to main
     cmp    bh, 39h     ; compares input to ASCII code for 9
     jle    print1      ; if input is less than or equal to 9 jump to print
     cmp    bh, 41h     ; compares input to ASCII code for 'A'
      jl    error       ; if input is less than 'A' jump to main
     cmp    bh, 46h     ; compares input to ASCII code for 'F'
     jle    convert1    ; if input is less than or equal to 'F' jump to convert1
     cmp    bh, 61h     ; compares input to ASCII code for 'a'
      jl    error       ; if input is less than 'a' jump to main
     cmp    bh, 66h     ; compares input to ASCII code for 'f'
     jle    convert2    ; if input is less than of equal to 'f' jump to convert2
      jg    error       ; if input is greater than 'z' jump to main
; displays error message then jumps back
     mov    dx, EMSG    ; moves error message into display string register
     mov    ah, 09h     ; display string function
     int    21h     ; displays it
     jmp    userin      ; jumps back to user input
; converts input from hexadecimal A-F to decimal
     sub    bh, 16      ; subtracts 0Fh from input to get decimal
     jmp    print2      ; jumps to print
; converts input from hexidecimal a-f to decimal
     sub    bh, 48      ; subtracts 30h from the input to get 
     jmp    print2      ; jumps to print
; prints the input in decimal form
     mov    dx, MSG2    ; moves MSG2 into display string register
     mov    ah, 09h     ; display string function
     int    21h     ; display MSG2 "In decimal it is:"
     mov    dl, bh      ; moves input into display character register
     mov    ah, 02h     ; display character function
     int    21h     ; display input in decimal form
     jmp    again       ; jumps to again
;prints the input in decimal form
     mov    dx, MSG2    ; moves MSG2 into display string register
     mov    ah, 09h     ; display string function
     int    21h     ; display MSG2 "In decimal it is:"
     mov    dl, 1d      ; will add 10 to the converted ASCII code
     mov    ah, 02h     ; display character function
     int    21h     ; display 1 in front of input in decimal form
     mov    dl, bh      ; moves converted input to display character register
     mov    ah, 02h     ; display character function
     int    21h     ; displays converted input
     jmp    again       ; jumps to again
; asks if user wants to do it again
     mov    dx, MSG3    ; moves MSG2 into display string register
     mov    ah, 09h     ; display string function
     int    21h     ; display MSG3 "Do you want to do it again?"
     mov    ah, 01h     ; keyboard input function
     int    21h     ; character input, copies into al
     cmp    al, 59h     ; compares input to ASCII code for 'Y'
      je    main        ; if input is equal to 'Y' jump to main
      jl    exit        ; if input is less than 'Y' jump to exit
     cmp    al, 79h     ; compares input to ASCII code for 'y'
      je    main        ; if input is equal to 'y' jump to main 
     jne    exit        ; if input is not equal to 'y' jump to exit
;exit to DOS
      mov     ah, 04Ch      ; DOS function: Exit program 
      mov     al, 0         ; Return exit code value
      int     21h           ; Call DOS. Terminate program 

The calculations are correct, but the code which should print leading '1' is wrong. You need to put character code in DL, not the number. So instead of

 mov    dl, 1d      ; will add 10 to the converted ASCII code
 mov    ah, 02h     ; display character function
 int    21h     ; display 1 in front of input in decimal form

it should be

 mov    dl, 49      ; will add 10 to the converted ASCII code
 mov    ah, 02h     ; display character function
 int    21h     ; display 1 in front of input in decimal form

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