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Rendering Twig template in PHP template

I am rendering a PHP template with Symfony 2, the template code I have:

phptemplate.html.php :

<?php echo $view->render('MyBundle:Def:info.html.twig', array('m' => $m)) ?>

MyBundle:Def:info.html.twig :

{{ url('form_individual') }}
{{ m.test }}

Output display result :

{{ url('form_individual') }}
{{ m.test }}

Variables are not rendered but instead are displayed as text, why?

PhpEngine , which in fact you used, doesn't support twig templates. So, your twig template is (probably) parsed as a plain text.

PhpEngine supports method Source code and here base doc for supports where is: Returns true if this class is able to render the given template. .

Why you didn't rewrite your MyBundle:Def:info.html.twig template to php? Or parent one to twig ?

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