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Are Yii sessions and PHP sessions cross-compatible?

In Yii, while looking at the source code for CWebUser::logout, I've noticed that they use Yii::app()->getSession()->destroy() instead of the usual PHP session_destroy .

Doing a bit of research I saw that Yii has a class called CHttpSession with its own methods to store data.

This got me thinking - are they cross-compatible? Is CHttpSession just a nice wrapper? Or is it an all or nothing process?

In my custom code, I've been using $_SESSION to do all of my session-related stuff. While in things generated by Yii, I assume that it uses CHttpSession . Is it a problem to use both and mix them up?

I am now in the process of moving my session handling to AWS DynamoDB ( https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-php/blob/master/docs/feature-dynamodb-session-handler.rst ), and before I add this additional layer, I want to make sure everything is compatible.

You can use Database based session to recover that. Its really simple. Just put

'session' => array( 
                 'connectionID' => 'db' 

on config/main.php components

CHttpSession is a nifty OO wrapper for php sessions. The underlying implementation uses php's session methods. Here's a snippet of part of the code for CHttpSession::open() :

public function open()
        @session_set_save_handler( array($this,'openSession'),array($this,'closeSession'),array($this,'readSession'),array($this,'writeSession'),array($this,'destroySession'),array($this,'gcSession'));


For Yii convention, always use CHttpSession instead of $_SESSION .

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