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Directive with isolate scope communicate with controller in AngularJS

I've read some similar answers to my question, such as this one though can't translate it to my own requirements - comes from a lack of understanding...

I have a controller:

appControllers.controller('TransactionsCtrl', ['$scope', 'InfiniteScrollingDataService', function ($scope, dataService) {
    // setup our scope properties
    $scope.$root.title = 'Transactions';
    var urlQuery = {
        skip: 0,
        take: 25,
        search: '',
        order: 'DateTimeCreated',
        orderBy: 'desc',
        transactionTypeID: null,
        transactionStatusID: null
    var apiUrl = 'api/transactions';
    $scope.transactions = new dataService(apiUrl, urlQuery);

    $scope.Filter = function (senderParent, type, id) {
        $scope.FilterApplied = true;
        console.log('filter in controller: ' + senderParent + ' ' + type + ' ' + id);

And I have a directive:

appDirectives.directive('bootstrapListItems', ['$rootScope', function ($rootScope) {

    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        templateUrl: 'bootstrapDropDownItems.html',
        link: function (scope, element, attrs) {

            scope.type = attrs.useGlobaljsonObject;
            scope.parentElement = attrs.id;
            scope.items = [];

            var obj = $rootScope.globalJSON[scope.type];

            for (o in obj) {
                scope.items.push({ key: o, value: obj[o] })


And the template for my directive:

<script type="text/ng-template" id="bootstrapDropDownItems.html">

    <li class="active"><a href="#" class="lnkFilterList">- Any -</a></li>
    <li ng-repeat="item in items">
        <a href="#" class="lnkFilterList" ng-click="Filter(parentElement, type, item.key)">{{item.value}}</a>


If I don't isolate the scope of the directive then the controller is called correctly, and i see the console logging out my arguments.

However, I (think) I need to isolate the scope as there will be multiples of this directive on the page.

when I add scope: {} to my directive the controller function is no longer called.

I also tried changing my ng-click to ng-click="$parent.Filter(.....)" - that didnt' seem to work either.

Can anybody please point me in the right direction?

ng-click="$parent.Filter(.....)" isn't working because you have it in an ng-repeat which also creates a (non-isolated) scope. In that case you would have to write


but don't do that...

You could emit an event in the click event handler and listen for it in your controller.

<script type="text/ng-template" id="bootstrapDropDownItems.html">

    <li class="active"><a href="#" class="lnkFilterList">- Any -</a></li>
    <li ng-repeat="item in items">
        <a href="#" class="lnkFilterList" ng-click="onClick(parentElement, type, item.key)">{{item.value}}</a>



appDirectives.directive('bootstrapListItems', ['$rootScope', function ($rootScope) {

    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        templateUrl: 'bootstrapDropDownItems.html',
        link: function (scope, element, attrs) {

            scope.type = attrs.useGlobaljsonObject;
            scope.parentElement = attrs.id;
            scope.items = [];

            var obj = $rootScope.globalJSON[scope.type];

            for (o in obj) {
                scope.items.push({ key: o, value: obj[o] })
            scope.onClick = function(){
                // pass an array of original arguments to the event
                scope.$emit('someEventName', Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments));



appControllers.controller('TransactionsCtrl', ['$scope', 'InfiniteScrollingDataService', function ($scope, dataService) {
    // setup our scope properties
    $scope.$root.title = 'Transactions';
    var urlQuery = {
        skip: 0,
        take: 25,
        search: '',
        order: 'DateTimeCreated',
        orderBy: 'desc',
        transactionTypeID: null,
        transactionStatusID: null
    var apiUrl = 'api/transactions';
    $scope.transactions = new dataService(apiUrl, urlQuery);

    $scope.$on('someEventName', function(e, args){
         // call the $scope.Filter function with the passed array of arguments
         $scope.Filter.apply(null, args);
    $scope.Filter = function (senderParent, type, id) {
        $scope.FilterApplied = true;
        console.log('filter in controller: ' + senderParent + ' ' + type + ' ' + id);

Having the directive used in multiple places does not mean you can't use shared scope. That determination comes down to if the directives should always show the same state (thus each inheriting and manipulating the same properties of the controller), or if they each are intended to show their own versions of state (thus being isolate). Being that you are setting a controller level variable in $scope.FilterApplied I assume you just want to repeat the same controls on the page? If so, you can stick with an inherited scope.

If not, and instead each directive needs this functionality on it's own, you are probably better off moving the Filter code into a service that the directive and controller(s) both inject so that the utility functions are shared but the settings and state of the Filter are per scope rather than shared.

Ultimately it depends on how you are using it.

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