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Change div id and property when window size change in jquerymobile

My current code is

<div id="column-left">

When the window size is smaller than 640px, how can I change it as:

<div data-role="panel" id="left-panel" data-position="left">

data-role="panel" is jquerymobile code. The question is focusing on how we can add the data-role="panel" attribute to the div. Thanks!

You may test your code in http://jsbin.com/wakagumu/11/edit . If it success, the test "FIRST" will disappear after changing the id="column-left" to data-role="panel" id="left-panel".

    if ($(this).width() < 640) {
        var myDiv = $('#column-left');
        if (myDiv.length > 0) {
            myDiv.attr('id', 'left-panel').data('role', 'panel').data('position', 'left');
    } else {
        var myDiv = $('#left-panel');
        if (myDiv.length > 0) {
            myDiv.attr('id', 'column-left').data('role', '').data('position', '');

Changing attributes won't convert a div into a panel , you need to initialize it manually. In jQuery Mobile 1.3, you should use .trigger("pagecreate") when appending a panel dynamically in order to initialize it.

The below solution creates a panel and moves content div's elements when page 's width is small; and it removes panel and returns content div's element to their original position. Also, it creates a button inside header to open the panel . It can be used in any page events as well as on window's throttledresize and orientationchange .

$(window).on("throttledresize", function () {
    var activePage = $.mobile.activePage;
    if ($(window).width() < 500 && activePage.find("[data-role=panel]").length === 0) {
       /* create button */
        var button = $("<a/>", {
            "data-role": "button",
                "data-icon": "bars",
                "id": "panelBtn",
                "data-theme": "e",
            class: "ui-btn-left"
        /* add click listener to open panel 
           and append it to header         */
        activePage.find(".ui-header").append($(button).on("click", function () {

        /* save menu */
        var menu = $("#menu");
        /* create a panel 
           append menu
           create page    */
        activePage.prepend($("<div/>", {
            id: "left-panel",
                "data-role": "panel",
                "data-position": "left",
                "data-display": "push"
        }).append($("<div/>", {
            class: "ui-panel-inner"

    if ($(window).width() > 500 && activePage.find("[data-role=panel]").length === 1) {
        /* remove panel and button
           return menu to content div */
        if (activePage.hasClass("ui-page-panel-open")) {
            activePage.find("[data-role=panel]").panel("close").on("panelclose", function () {
                var menu1 = activePage.find("[data-role=panel] #menu");
        } else {
            var menu1 = activePage.find("[data-role=panel] #menu");


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