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How do I display add and edit icons for custom function in jqGrid?

I am trying to have custom add and edit functions in jqgrid. I can get the add and edit functions to work correctly, but I can't get the add and edit icons to display correctly. Instead, an arrow(^) appears instead of the plus or edit. What I've tried: *Importing jquery-ui before and after the jqgrid

//jqgrid code

        .navButtonAdd("#pager", {
        onClickButton: function(){ 
        onClickButton: function(){ 

I have the "ui-icon-add" and "ui-icon-edit" under button icon but they are not showing up. This project using backbone.js and I'm importing jquery-ui.js before jqGrid.

How can I get the icons to show up? Instead, I could just have the caption and no icon, but removing buttonicon still shows one.

Update your code with below one. You have some mistakes in your code.

The available buttons are ThemeRoller | jQuery UI , place the cursor the style class will be shown. Use those buttons in jqgrid.

.navButtonAdd("#pager", {
    buttonicon:"ui-icon ui-icon-newwin", 
    onClickButton: function(){ 
    buttonicon:"ui-icon ui-icon-pencil", 
    onClickButton: function(){ 

OutPut on navgrid of jqgrid: 添加编辑按钮

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