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How to export only the python output not source code to ODT from emacs org-mode?

I have python source code in emacs org-mode. I only want to export the output of python code to the ODT not the source code. How could I do that?

Here is my test code. When I do the export, only the source code in my ODT file.

#+BEGIN_SRC python :results output :export result
  import pprint

  test_dict = {
      "nested": {

  pprint.pprint(test_dict, indent=2, width=1)

: { 'a': 1,
:   'b': 2,
:   'c': 3,
:   'nested': { 'n_a': 1,
:               'n_b': 2,
:               'n_c': 3}}

You will need to set :exports header to results . Here is a link to the org-mode describing the header.

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