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Use Bitbucket Resources in another application

I am software engineering student and I have to create a new project for one of my courses.

I've designed my application solution which needs to use git as a backend service. it needs git basics operations such as create a user, grant accesses, manage ssh keys, commit, push and etc, so I tried to run a git server but I thought it will be a better solution if application uses a perfect service like bitbucket.

so my question is, can I use bitbucket resources for my application as backend service? and if the answer is yes , please tell my how can I do this and also can I use bitbucket resources for free?

thanks in advance,

best regards.

If you want to host your own backend for testing, I'd suggest SCM Manager . It might not be as nearly as good as BitBucket, GitHub or Gitorious, but it's much, much , MUCH easier to install. Unless you need the more complex ALM features(like issue tracking or web GUI for code reviews) it should suffice your needs.

You can use BitBucket. It support both for Git and Mercurial repositories. The service offering includes an issue tracker and wiki, as well as integration with a number of popular third-party services.

The great thing of BitBucket, compared with GitHub, is that it's free and you can create as many private repos as you want.

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