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How to change theme in ASP.Net MVC 5 based on querystring value?

I want to change MVC theme dynamically based on querystring parameter in the url.


  1. localhost/WBE/Search/1
  2. localhost/WBE/Search/2
  3. localhost/WBE/Search/3

Here 1,2,3 are my customer keys and i have several customers who needs different themes in my websites. So, how can i change the layout in my website based on this key.

Awaiting for your reply.

Regards, Mallikharjun.

I think you could set the layout dynamically in your controller action

public ActionResult Search(int customer)
  string layout = ... // function which get layout name with your customer id

  var viewModel = ... // function which get model

  return View("Search", layout, viewModel);

Edit :

I think if you want a better solution to change the layout in all view you must create an ActionAttributeFilter which will intercept the result and inject the layout in the viewresult

Your filter :

public class LayoutChooserAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
    private string _userLayoutSessionKey = "UserLayout";

    public override void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)

        var result = filterContext.Result as ViewResult;
        // Only if it's a ViewResult
        if (result != null)
            result.MasterName = GetUserLayout(filterContext);

    private string GetUserLayout(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)
        if (filterContext.HttpContext.Session[_userLayoutSessionKey] == null)
            // I stock in session to avoid having to start processing every view
            filterContext.HttpContext.Session[_userLayoutSessionKey] = ...; // process which search the layout
        return (string)filterContext.HttpContext.Session[_userLayoutSessionKey];


Your action become :

public ActionResult Search(int customer)
  var viewModel = ... // function which get model

  return View("Search", viewModel);

If you want that the attribute is present in all actions, in FilterConfig.RegisterGlobalFilters static method you can add your filter :

public class FilterConfig
    public static void RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilterCollection filters)
        filters.Add(new LayoutChooserAttribute());

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