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Windows phone xaml data binding

I have a class Device which has an array of 4 sockets. each socket has id.

class Device
    public String name { get; set; }        
    public Socket[] sArray = new Socket[4];        

class socket
    public string id{ get; set; }

I want to print that all 4 id into listview's one item. each item has 5 textblocks. I can print device name using but how to print socket id from array of socket in device?

<TextBlock Name="txtSocket1" Text="how to bind here socket id?"/>
<TextBlock Name="txtSocket2" Text="how to bind here socket id?"/>
<TextBlock Name="txtSocket3" Text="how to bind here socket id?"/>
<TextBlock Name="txtSocket4" Text="how to bind here socket id?"/>
<TextBlock FontSize="28" Text="{Binding Path=name}"/> //here easily I can get device name

If you're showing a collection of items you shouldn't be using different textboxes. You want to use a control that is designed to show collections, like the ItemsControl :

      <TextBlock />

When using this approach, and WPF/SilverLight in general, I recommend using the MVVM pattern . Here you provide a ViewModel with data to be shown in the View:

public class SocketViewModel
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public List<Socket> Sockets { get; set; }

    public SocketViewModel()
        Sockets = new List<Socket>();

You fill up your data like this:

var viewModel = new SocketViewModel
    Name = "Some name";
    //This is some dummy just for demo purposes
    Sockets = YourDataBase.GetSockets();

Now you assign the viewmodel to the DataContext of the page, like this:

DataContext = viewModel;

In the XAML you can fetch all the data and show it on the screen. The correct XAML now should be something like this:

<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding=Sockets}">
      <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Id}" />

<TextBlock FontSize="28" Text="{Binding Path=Name}"/>

Note you should be binding to properties not fields. Create a property Public IEnumerable SocketsToBindTo { get {return _socketArray;}}

Then in each of text box you can bind to the property, create a converter and pass the array location number as a converter. In the converter you can use linq in the converter to do something like SocketsToBindTo.Skip(commandParameter).First() and return the name.

While I have told you the steps to get what you want. I don't think what you are doing is the right approach. If you are using a listview I would think you would just bind to the itemsource and then you just have to deal with setting your bindings on an Items template etc.

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