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Javascript/jquery equivalent of echoing (PHP) cookie value

I have a cookie named myName

In php, to print the cookie value, I can simply do


The shortest I have found in JS is:


Is there not a better/shorter way to do this? Maybe with JQuery?

I am quite new to JS and moving a site over from PHP for mobile Phonegap Build dev so can't use PHP

您可以使用jQuery Cookie插件( http://plugins.jquery.com/cookie/ )来获取Cookie,就像


If you don't want to use a plugin like jQuery $.cookie, you can do something like this

function getCookie(cookiename) {
    var cookiestring = RegExp(""+cookiename+"[^;]+").exec(document.cookie);
    return unescape(!!cookiestring ? cookiestring.toString().replace(/^[^=]+./,"") : "");

var value = getCookie('myName');


And what you will find very usefull is to use the console while debugging: write in your code: console.log(document.cookie);



And see the results in the javascript console of your browser (easiest way: right click in your page, go to the last item which says "inspect element", and in the window that will open, go to the last tab, named "console".)

use a self executing function

    (function(){document.cookie="username=test; expires=Fri, 28 Feb 2014 12:00:00 GMT; path=/";})();

check out more information on MDN

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