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How do I know the length of the video (external FLV video)?

How do I know the length of the video (external FLV video)?

I have tried several ways but the result is 0 .

videonya.addEventListener(fl.video.VideoEvent.READY, onFlvPlayback_READY);

function onFlvPlayback_READY(event:fl.video.VideoEvent):void
    var metaDataObj:Object = videonya.metadata as Object;
    trace("metaDataObj.duration: "+metaDataObj.duration);

The standard way of playing video and accessing metadata is this:

var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection(); 

var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc); 
ns.client = this; 

var vid:Video = new Video(); 

function onMetaData(infoObject:Object):void 
    var key:String; 
    for (key in infoObject) 
        trace(key + ": " + infoObject[key]); 

This will trace out all of the metadata codes including duration. If you just want the duration: trace(infoObject.duration); inside the onMetaData(infoObject) function, of course.

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