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How do I create a timeline chart in Excel?

How do I create a timeline chat which visualizes peoples activities throughout a day in one graph? On the x-axis I plan to place the time. And the y-Axis would be the different persons. First, I thought of a simple stacked bar chart. However, the problem is that Excel would combine all the same activities to one item and don't visualize it on the timeline... I also can't do it by hand as I have several 1000 entries to visualize...

I found this post on Stackoverflow, but there there is only one activity per entry and not mulitple times the same...

It would be great if I could use Excel (as my data set is there). But if there is a better way (ie tool) I'd also appreciate new suggestions.

This is what I imagine the timeline to look like: 这就是我想象的时间轴

If you have data prepared in the correct way this can be easily done in Excel. Check the animation below (you can open image in a new tab to see the full resolution). 在此输入图像描述

由于我没有找到让我在Excel中创建时间轴的解决方案,我使用了JavaScript和可视化框架D3,以及一个整洁的开源库,d3-timeline: https//github.com/jiahuang/d3-timeline

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