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Couldn't package a cron job using sbt-native-packager when building a deb bundle

I am trying to package a cron as part of my debian package ( https://github.com/indykish/megam_akka.git ).

The debian package is built using the sbt-native-packager. I placed the cron script inside my bin directory as here https://github.com/indykish/megam_akka/blob/master/bin/megamherk.cron.d

I changed my build.sbt to pickup the megamher.cron.d as here https://github.com/indykish/megam_akka/blob/master/build.sbt

I have attached the snippet of code here:

 linuxPackageMappings in Debian <+= (baseDirectory) map { bd =>
 (packageMapping((bd / "bin/herk_stash") -> "/usr/share/megamherk/bin/herk_stash")
 withUser "root" withGroup "root" withPerms "0755")

linuxPackageMappings in Debian <+= (baseDirectory) map { bd =>
(packageMapping((bd / "bin/megamherk.cron.d") -> "/etc/cron.d/megamherk")
withUser "root" withGroup "root" withPerms "0755")

I ran:

sbt clean compile

sbt dist:dist

sbt debian:packageBin

The generated debian bundle inside the target directory doesn't have the cron bundled.

I referred this debian documentation ( http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/dother.en.html#crond )

Am I missing something here ? How do I make sbt-native-package pickup a cron job ?

The easiest way to package simple files is to use the default directory structure.


In your case you would put your file in


You locale settings will be reapplied. So if megamherk is executable it will stay executable.

If this doesn't work for you open a ticket with a small test case.

cheers, Muki

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