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Lookup a value if the dates fall between two dates

I have window dates in two cells. For example:

  • a1 = 1/1/2014 8:00
  • b1 = 1/4/2014 10:00
  • c1 = 11


  • A is the start date
  • B is the end date
  • C is the code for the window

In cell d1 I have the date: 1/3/2014 7:00

I would like to look up the date in a/b and if d falls between those dates then I would like for it to return the code for the window.

Assuming you have multiple "windows" listed in order with no gaps perhaps try LOOKUP like


see example


a1      = 1/1/2014 8:00

b1      = 1/4/2014 10:00

c1      = 11

d1      = 1/3/2014 7:00

e1      =IF(AND($D$1-A1>0,B1-$D$1>0),C1,"outside")

添加添加填充单元格 a1:c52 的其他行

You can use this, it will work even if the dates are not in order, as long as values in C column are numeric. It will return 0 if no match


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