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Keyboard not hiding in iOS 6

I'm pushing a view controller to a navigation controller and in iOS 7 when that happens the keyboard automatically hides.

However, in iOS 6, it does not. I also can't get it to go away with [self.view endEditing:YES]; .

EDIT: In the preceding view controller, once the keyboard is brought up, it does not go away in that view controller with [self.view endEditing:YES] either.

You could try this:


    [self performSelector:@selector(resignFirstResponder) onChildrenOfView:self.view];


-(void)performSelector:(SEL)selector onChildrenOfView:(UIView*)view{

    for ( UIView * subView in view.subviews ) {

        if ( [subView respondsToSelector:selector] ) {
            [subView performSelector:selector];

        if ( [subView isKindOfClass:[UIView class]] ) {
            [self performSelector:selector onChildrenOfView:subView];



Sorry if it's a little verbose.

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