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How do I have specific text appear when a selection is made under kendo UI Combo box?

I have a dropdownlist/combo box I made using Kendo UI for ASP .NET MVC4.

Now for each selection/choice I pick from the combo box, I want different text to appear for each choice. Eg Choice 1 (The text underneath the combo box should be word 1), for choice 2 (the text reads word 2), etc...

I'm assuming I have to create a div for each different text I want to put underneath it but I keep getting errors. I'm not sure how to proceed. An example would be nice.

Thank you.


I found a javascript example that illustrates what I mean:

Eg How would I take this example below and turn it around for Kendo UI? http://jsfiddle.net/b6ydm/

<script type="text/javascript">
function dropdownTip(value){
    document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = value;

<select onChange="dropdownTip(this.value)" name="search_type" style="margin-right:10px;    margin-top:2px;">
<option selected="selected" value="fruit_search">fruits</option>    
<option value="veggies_search">veggies</option>
<option value="animals_search">animals</option>
<option value="all_search">all</option>


  @(Html.Kendo().DropDownListFor(model => model.ViewModel.sType)
                      .HtmlAttributes(new {@class = "DropDown"})
                      .Events(onselect => onselect.Change("ChangeEvent"))
<span id="changingtext"></span>

function ChangeEvent(e){
   var value = this.value();
   // Use the value of the widget
   if( value == "choice1"){

I guess you could do something similiar like that.

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