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iOS 7 resize issue of UIDatePicker

In my application I have to resize UIDatePicker (with mode UIDatePickerModeDateAndTime ) and add it in custom view it's working very well in iOS 6 but issue occur in iOS 7.

When i resize UIDatePicker in iOS 7 with same code then days name like sunday, monday,.. etc not displaying clearly/fully.

Check following video for more clear picture.


So how can i fixed it in iOS 7?

Yes @A-Live is right, you can't change the appearance of UIDatePicker. Instead if you want to resize it you should go with a tricky way. You can set it's transform to resize it.

datePicker.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(0.8, 0.8);

It will scale down datePicker width & height.

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