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html5 + CSS3 center page text by header banner

I am trying to move from old html styled with tables, to html5 styled with CSS, but I have problems:

codepen Demo

You can see that, text is aligned to the edge of the page, and I want it aligned to the edge of the header banner.

I cant figure out, how to do that? without using tables.

Also, please note, that the .article:nth-child(odd) CSS selector, somehow aligns the odd elements to the left, and not to the right... I dont understand why.


For example

codepen Demo

.article {
     width: 1024px;

To center the .articles you need to set a width. Also you might want to consider getting rid of

<div align="center">

It's deprecated in html5

The best way to create a fixed width website is to add a containing div:

Simply add a fixed width div around all your current code.



  <div id="Wrap">
    /* rest of website */

codepen Demo



<div id="Wrap">
  <div id="Head"></div>
  <div id="Body"></div>
  <div id="Foot"></div>


  width:1024px; /*Your desired page width*/
  margin:0 auto; /*Center your wrapper on the page*/
  width:100%; /*Fill the width of the wrapper*/
  width:100%; /*Fill the width of the wrapper*/
  width:100%; /*Fill the width of the wrapper*/

you need to write css to style the page correctly:

codepen Demo

div {
  text-align: center;

Your content have the same width as a header, but you have image inside header which have a little less width than 100% of site, so what u need to do is add some width for article something like this:

.article {
   display: block;
   margin: auto;
   width: 900px;

codepen Demo

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