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NSArray valueForKey ObjectAtIndex

I have an NSArray that i want a single value of.

_membersArray = [_detailItem valueForKey:@"members"];

When i use this code:

NSLog(@"%lu", (unsigned long)[[_membersArray valueForKey:@"name"] count ]);

i get: 1

When i use this one:

    NSLog(@"%@", [_membersArray valueForKey:@"name"] );

i get

    "Name Lastname"

But i need only "Name lastname"

And when i use:

NSLog(@"%@", [[_membersArray valueForKey:@"name"] objectAtIndex:0]);

i get:

[__NSSetI objectAtIndex:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x10bf5caf0
2014-03-13 12:35:39.261 Givem[2454:60b] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[__NSSetI objectAtIndex:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x10bf5caf0'

i guess this is a easy one but i have a codeblock. Thanks for helping me out


[[[_membersArray valueForKey:@"name"] allObjects]objectAtIndex:0];

Look at exception ... It says ...

[__NSSetI objectAtIndex:] ...

... it means, that you're trying to send objectAtIndex: message to NSSet , not NSArray . And NSSet doesn't have objectAtIndex: method.

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