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Edit/Add ngClass in directive

I am trying to create a directive to refactor some classes manipulation.

Please take a look at this fiddle .

I want to add or edit the ng-class attribute from my track directive to avoid this dupplicated code (in the ng-classes):

  <tr ng-repeat="track in tracks"
        'track-is-stopped': trackState === 'stop',
        'track-is-playing track-is-paused': trackState === 'pause',
        'track-is-playing': trackState === 'play',
        'track-is-playing track-is-buffering': trackState === 'buffering'
      <td>{{ track.title }}</td>

  <div ng-class="{ 
       selected: selected,
       'track-is-stopped': trackState === 'stop',
       'track-is-playing track-is-paused': trackState === 'pause',
       'track-is-playing': trackState === 'play',
       'track-is-playing track-is-buffering': trackState === 'buffering'           
     ng-repeat="track in tracks"
     track>{{ track.title }} 

I want to control this part in my directive:

        'track-is-stopped': trackState === 'stop',
        'track-is-playing track-is-paused': trackState === 'pause',
        'track-is-playing': trackState === 'play',
        'track-is-playing track-is-buffering': trackState === 'buffering'

How to do that? It has to work with any element and has to work with any existing ng-class attribute (so I need to extend the current attribute):

ng-class="{ selected: selected }"
  1. Create getClass() in the directive's controller:

     // ... controller: function ($scope) { $scope.getClass = function () { return { 'track-is-stopped': $scope.trackState === 'stop', 'track-is-playing track-is-paused': $scope.trackState === 'pause', 'track-is-playing': $scope.trackState === 'play', 'track-is-playing track-is-buffering': $scope.trackState === 'buffering' }; } } 
  2. Call it in the view:

     <div ng-class="getClass()"> 
  3. You can also safely clean the class object from duplicate classes:

     // ... return { 'track-is-stopped': $scope.trackState === 'stop', 'track-is-paused': $scope.trackState === 'pause', 'track-is-playing': $scope.trackState === 'play', 'track-is-buffering': $scope.trackState === 'buffering' } 

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