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Haskell N-ary tree construction

I am new in Haskell. I trying to learn implementation of N-ary trees in Haskell. I tried to construct N-ary tree and so I create my own data type

      data Tree = Empty | Node Integer [Tree] deriving Show

I want to construct my Tree from the list. I want to construct such Tree that going to take List elements one by one . If element is smaller it is going to be subtree of previous element else it going to be sibling.My problem is in the base cases and recursion parts. So I write such a code:

      arrin :: [Integer] -> Integer -> Integer {-this function takes an array -}
      arrin (x:xs) i                           {- and indexs and return the element-}  
        | i == 0    = x                    {-of that array which on that index -}
        | otherwise = arrin xs (i-1)  

      listToTree :: Integer -> [Integer] -> Tree
      listToTree _ [] = Empty {-First Input will be zero initially-}
      listToTree 11 _ = Empty {-Lets assume that the lenght of my list is 10-}
      listToTree 0 a = Node ( arrin a 0 ) [listToTree 1 a]
      listToTree num a  {-I need your help in this part what should i do-}
          | arrin a num > arrin a (num+1) = Node ( arrin a num ) [listToTree (num+1) a]
          | otherwise = Node ( arrin a num ) [Empty]

Any kind of comments and answers will be appreciated.

Why does your function take an integer as first argument? Also it is not clear if the tree should end in "Node int []" or "Node int empty". If you are ready to accept [Tree] as output you don't even need empty which would probably only really be necessary for the empty list. In that case, the function could be as follows.

listToTree :: [Integer] -> [Tree]
listToTree [] = []
listToTree [x] = [Node x []]
listToTree (x1:x2:xs)
    | x2 < x1 = [Node x1 (listToTree (x2:xs))] -- subtree
    | otherwise = Node x1 [] : listToTree (x2:xs) -- sibling

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