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passing variable to the next page in php

i have this code below and i cannot seem to understand why the i cannot see $pId in the next page. i seem that he doesnt send the variable in $pId in profile.php please help

        include 'config.php';
        include 'dbconnection.php';

        if(isset($_REQUEST["pwd"]) && isset($_REQUEST["name"]))
            $password = $_REQUEST['pwd'];
            $name = $_REQUEST['name'];

                    $checkUserPass = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM validPersonnel WHERE Passkey = '$password' and Name = '$name'", $conn);
                    if(mysql_num_rows($checkUserPass) == 1)

                        $sql="SELECT PersonnelID FROM validPersonnel WHERE Passkey = :password and Name = :name";
                        $query->execute(array('name' => $name, 'password' => $password));
                        $row = $query->fetch();
                        $_SESSION['personnelId'] = $row['PersonnelID'];

                        header("Refresh: 1; url=profile/profile.php?p_id={$pId}");
                        echo "<br/><br/>";
                        echo "<script>alert('Logged In.')</script>";

                        //  print_r($query);
                        echo "<br/><br/>";
                        echo "<script>alert('Wrong Password.')</script>";
                        header('Refresh: 1; url=personnelselect.php');


the code below is the link where i pass the $pId

            $id = $_SESSION['personnelId'];
            $sqlLoader="Select Name from validpersonnel where PersonnelID = :id";
            $resLoader->execute(array('id' => $id));
            $row = $resLoader->fetch();
            echo $row['Name'];

Almost all variables are destroyed when a script ends. I would recommend using a $_SESSION variable or passing the variables via $_GET.

For example to store the variable:

$_SESSION['pid'] = $pId;

To retrieve the variable:

if (isset($_SESSION['pid'])) $pId = $_SESSION['pid'];

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