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KnockoutJS click data bind not working when used with with binding

What I'm trying to do is to hide an html when a flag, selected, is true. Which I was able to do via click data bind and below works great.

<a href='#' data-bind='click: selected, with: myObject, visible: !selected()'>

While above works as I intended it to be, below doesn't work.

<a href='#' data-bind='click: selected, with: myObject, visible: !selected()'>

I have tried changing 'a' to 'div' but that still didn't work. Can somebody help me understand what is going on?

Ah. I misunderstood what you were struggling with.

The problem is that with only applies to child nodes. So, you need a wrapper around the <a> tag in order to apply the with binding.

Updated fiddle

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