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How can I create a text file that copies ping info from the batch file?

I want to be able to ping a website such as www.google.com and then have it make a new text file with the results of said ping.

Here is the code of the ping:

echo --------------------
echo --------------------
ping -n 5 -w 3000
ping www.google.com -n 5 -w 3000

I want that to be in a text file after it is done.

Pipe it to a file and use type to display the results also in the console

ping www.google.com > result.txt
type results.txt


ping www.google.com | result.txt

The latter one will open the result.txt to show the result.

Or put a type results.txt after the ping to show the results on the console.


mypingbatch.bat >>file.log

If you want to log availabily periodically, schedule the following task:

SET IP=www.google.com
FOR /F "tokens=1-9 delims==< " %%a IN ('PING -n 1 -w 2500 %IP%') DO IF "%%h"=="TTL" SET STATUS=%%g
ECHO %DATE% %TIME% %IP% %STATUS% >> ping.%IP%.log

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