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Waiting for AJAX request response

I have the following function that stores some data in ABC.PrintReport.reportData . I grab the data with AJAX requests. I then want to print the data in the new window that I open at the end of the getKeyData function.

However, by the time the window opens, the AJAX requests have not returned the data, so I get errors about undefined properties. What is the solution to this?

getKeyData: function () {
    for (var key in ABC.PrintReport.keyList) {
        k = ABC.PrintReport.keyList[key].Report_Key;
        ABC.PrintReport.reportData[k] = null;
        (function(index) {
                url: ABC.Core.servicePath + '/task/' + ABC.PrintReport.processInstanceID + '/report/' + ABC.PrintReport.keyList[key].Report_Key + '?portalID=' + ABC.Core.portalID,
                success: function (response) {
                    ABC.PrintReport.reportData[index] = Ext.JSON.decode(response.responseText)[0];
    window.open(location.pathname + 'resources/printreport.html');

What about using deffered objects and promises ? Though I don't see a method all() that should help you resolve your problem, as shown here .

I suggest using a Q library , see the Combination section.

The all function returns a promise for an array of values. When this promise is fulfilled, the array contains the fulfillment values of the original promises, in the same order as those promises.

Then you do:

.then(function (results) {
    window.open(location.pathName + 'recources/printreport.html');

It's more clean than using a counter of already succeeded requests.

Even though there are a variable number of requests going on, you can keep track of them and open the window in the success method when the last request completes.

getKeyData: function () {
    var total = ABC.PrintReport.keyList.length;
    var loaded = 0;
    for (var key in ABC.PrintReport.keyList) {
        k = ABC.PrintReport.keyList[key].Report_Key;
        ABC.PrintReport.reportData[k] = null;
        (function(index) {
                url: ABC.Core.servicePath + '/task/' + ABC.PrintReport.processInstanceID + '/report/' + ABC.PrintReport.keyList[key].Report_Key + '?portalID=' + ABC.Core.portalID,
                success: function (response) {
                    ABC.PrintReport.reportData[index] = Ext.JSON.decode(response.responseText)[0];
                    if (loaded == total) {
                        window.open(location.pathname + 'resources/printreport.html');

或者,您可以使用async lib创建并行ajax调用,然后在完成所有AJAX请求后使用window.open调用回调。

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