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Jasmine and Karma: Cannot find variable runs

Do I need a plugin/lib to use runs() and waits() with Jasmine? I'm looking at the Jasmine wiki page for async tests: https://github.com/pivotal/jasmine/wiki/Asynchronous-specs .

They have no mention of needing a special lib/plugin, so I assume runs() and waits() should work out of the box.

My code looks like this (it's wrapped in a describe):

it('test', function() {
    runs(function() {


I'm getting: ReferenceError: runs is not defined

The relevant portion of my karma config is:

    files: [

    frameworks: ['jasmine'],

    browsers: ['PhantomJS'],

    plugins: [

Ok, so it turns out Jasmine 2.0 has removed runs() , waits() and waitsFor() . The new async support uses done() , which be found at: http://jasmine.github.io/2.0/introduction.html#section-Asynchronous_Support . I've added a quick note to the outdated github wiki page about this.

Basically if you want to run an async test, you should use the $httpBackend service, which when flushed will trigger the right events and your tests will run smoothly.

EDIT: Each of the angularjs timed actions are wrapped in promises and digest cycles. In the case of $timeout to trigger the digest cycle that triggers it you can do $timeout.flush() .

For example you can have:

expect($scope.timedvariable).toEqual('before timeout value');
// Flush the timeout service
// the actions within the $timeout are executed
expect($scope.timedvariable).toEqual('value after timeout');

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