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How to get input tag id of html form?

        $i = 1;
        $query1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `alert_history` ORDER BY `alert_history`.`id` DESC LIMIT ".$start.",".$per_page."");
        while($result = mysql_fetch_array($query1)){
            echo '<td colspan = "2"><form method = "POST" onsubmit = "submitform()" ><textarea onFocus = "myFunction(1)" onBlur = "myFunction(0)" id = "comment'.$i.'" name = "comment"></textarea> <br />';
            echo '<input type = "text" id = "alertid'.$i.'" name = "alertid" value = "'.$result['id'].'">';
            echo '<input  type = "submit" name = "submit" value = "Comment" ></form></td>';

    function submitform(){
            var comment = $("#comment").val();
        var alertid = $("#alertid").val();
        type: "POST",
            url: "analytic.php",
            //return false;

How to get textarea tag and input tag id for javascript function ?
Both tag show in while loop so i want every textarea and input tag has different id.

If you generate dynamic id in text box that time if change something in text box that time store it's id in local variable and use it on in your code

<input type = "text" class="textBox" id = "alertid'.$i.'" name = "alertid" value = "'.$result['id'].'">';
var Id
  $(document).on('change', "input.textBox", function () {
             Id = $(this).attr("id");
alert(Id )

Hope this code can help you..

so first you set the different IDs and then you fetch it.

var textAreaId = $('textarea').prop('id);
var inputId = $('input').prop('id);


$i is constant for every single set of textarea and input combined together.

If you want to grab every set of textarea and input , you should rather assign the ID to instead of doing it for every textarea and input element.

        $i = 1;
        $query1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `alert_history` ORDER BY `alert_history`.`id` DESC LIMIT ".$start.",".$per_page."");
        while($result = mysql_fetch_array($query1)){
            echo '<td colspan ="2" id='.$i.'"><form method = "POST" onsubmit = "submitform()" ><textarea onFocus = "myFunction(1)" onBlur = "myFunction(0)" name = "comment"></textarea> <br />';
            echo '<input type = "text" name = "alertid" value = "'.$result['id'].'">';
            echo '<input  type = "submit" name = "submit" value = "Comment" ></form></td>';

    function submitform(){
            var comment = $(this).closest('td').find('textarea').val();
            var alertid = $(this).parent().prop('id');
        type: "POST",
            url: "analytic.php",
            //return false;

In jQuery, select the tag and use the .each() :


Demo here (Client side).

Try this one:

( See JsFiddle working demo )

        $i = 1;
        $query1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `alert_history` ORDER BY `alert_history`.`id` DESC LIMIT ".$start.",".$per_page."");
        while($result = mysql_fetch_array($query1)){
            echo '<td colspan = "2"><form method = "POST" onsubmit = "submitform(this)" ><textarea onFocus = "myFunction(1)" onBlur = "myFunction(0)" id = "comment'.$i.'" name = "comment"></textarea> <br />';
            echo '<input type = "text" id = "alertid'.$i.'" name = "alertid" value = "'.$result['id'].'">';
            echo '<input  type = "submit" name = "submit" value = "Comment" ></form></td>';

    function submitform(form){

      var comment = $(form).find("textarea").val();

      var alertid = $(form).find("input[name=alertid]").attr("id");
      //Or if you mean:
      var alertid = $(form).find("input[name=alertid]").val();

        type: "POST",
            url: "analytic.php",
            //return false;

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