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Django STATIC_URL clarification

I have read other topics on stackoverflow and on the django website, but I am still confused.

These are my configurations:

STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'assets')
STATIC_URL = '/static/'

When I run manage.py collectstatic , my static files will be collected at myproject/assests/

I will store a default profile photo (for using with my models) here: myporject/static/images/default_profile_photo.png , so when I run collect static, it will be coppied in myproject/assets/images/default_profile_photo.png

Everything fine so far.

On my models.py I have a field:

class UserProfile(models.Model):
    photo = models.ImageField(upload_to = get_upload_file_name,
                              storage = OverwriteStorage(),
                              default = 'path/to/my/default/image.jpg'))

My main question is: what path should I set to this default atribute? should I benefit from the STATIC_URL somehow?

Other questions: How can I user here the STATIC_URL from settings.py? and what is the usage of STATIC_URL? where and how can I see the effect between using STATIC_URL='/static/' and STATIC_URL='/wtf/'

   os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)))), 'static', 'templates'),

对于每个“ os.path.dirname()”,我在下面还包含一个与父目录相对应的文件,因此在我的示例中,我有四个,它表明根文件夹为当前目录上方的4个文件夹。

Files that are uploaded always go in a subdirectory of MEDIA_ROOT and are referenced from MEDIA_URL .

For any FileField (like ImageField ), you simply give the subdirectory that will be used to store the files that are uploaded to this model.

If you have MEDIA_ROOT as '/foo/bar/uploads/' , then in your models you have this:

class Foo(models.Model):
    photo = models.ImageField(upload_to='photos')

Then all photos uploaded will be stored in /foo/bar/uploads/photos/ .

Unlike collectstatic , there is no command to manage media files. You have to deal with them on your own.

Now on setting a default value; in addition to a path, you can add the name of a callable (a function), that is called whenever an instance of the object is saved. You can exploit this:

import os

from django.contrib.staticfiles import finders
from django.config import settings

def get_default_photo_path():
   results = finders.find('/default/image.jpg')
   if results:
       return os.path.join(settings.STATICFILES_DIRS[0], results[0])

class Foo(models.Model):

    photo = models.ImageField(upload_to='photos',
                              default=get_default_photo_path, null=True)

Now, whenever a new object is created, the default value is the static file path to /default/image.jpg . If for some reason this file doesn't exist (for example, you forgot to add it), None will be returned. In other to store that, you have to set null=True .

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