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How to programatically find the magnitude and frequency for a given phase in a bode plot?

If I have a Plant let's say

Gp(s) = 1/(s+1)

I can find the Phase Margin

Using MATLAB commands

Gp = tf([1],[1 1]);
[G P] = margin(Gp);

My question is what if I want to know the phase over frequency in a specific Gain Over Frequency. How do I find it without looking to bode plot?

Usually I find it by the command bode(Gp) and move the mouse over the specific gain that I want to know the phase margin on it.

For my previous example The Gain Over Frequency is 0.363 at -20 Phase Over Frequency.

How do I write it as a command not looking in the bode diagram?

Thanks in advance

It seems you misunderstood what Gain Over Frequency and phase margin actually means, and it is not the place to explain it. What I assume you actually want, is a way to evaluate a bode-plot without clicking at it. Eg you want to know magnitude and frequency at the point of -20 phase .

Let's have a look at these three cases:

Case 1: you know the frequency and you're searching for magnitude and phase

The easiest case:

w = 0.363;                 % specify given frequency
[mag,phase] = bode(Gp,w)   % output of according magnitude and phase


mag =


phase =


Case 2: you want to know magnitude and frequency for a certain phase

p = -20;
[mag,phase,wout] = bode(Gp);

mag_p = interp1( squeeze(phase), squeeze(mag), p)
w_p   = interp1( squeeze(phase), wout, p)


mag_p =


w_p =


Case 3: you want to know phase and frequency for a certain magnitude

m = 0.9394;
[mag,phase,wout] = bode(Gp);

phase_m = interp1( squeeze(mag), squeeze(phase), m)
w_m     = interp1( squeeze(mag), wout, m)


phase_m =


w_m =


The squeeze command is necessary, because bode output a 1x1x... matrix for phase and magnitude, however. You also may use different interpolation methods of interp1 .

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