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Delete app from OSX simulator in Xcode

How do i delete an app from the OSX simulator like on the iOS simulator?? I want to delete an app due to the change of Core Data xcdatamodeld but i can't find a way. Thanks in advance

As playitgreen mentioned in one of the comments, the way to delete data relating to your OSX app is by removing the folder/.storedata file from:

~/Library/Application Support/<YOUR OSX APP BUNDLE NAME>/

for example:

~/Library/Application Support/com.yourcompany.yourapp/

All credit to playitgreen

On MacOS Mojave 10.14.4 and on other MacOS as well the folder has changed and now the app is in the following location:


Specifically for Catalyst apps in macOS 10.15 (Catalina) and Xcode 11.2.1.

I tried right-clicking on the app's icon in the dock and then Options -> Show in Finder. I deleted all the files there and ran again from Xcode. The files returned and the app still had the data from before.

In ~/Library/Containers I found a folder called maccatalyst.<my_apps_bundle_identifier> . I deleted the files contained there and when I reran the app from Xcode the files returned and original data was gone. So that seems to be the way.


There are 2 solution:

  1. When running the app press CMD + SHIFT + H (simulates a home button press), then you can remove it by long press like on the phone

  2. Remove the appropriate app foler from ~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/<ios_version_that_you_use>

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