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Return predicate from nested async function call

I need to filter an array, depending whether or not each element's sub-element, obtained by retrieving data from an external API, matches a criteria.

The code might be clearer than an explanation :

//Suppose there is an array filled
//_.filter(array, predicate)
var filtered_array = _.filter(array,function(element){
   //Async operation
   webservices.doStuff(element, function(sub_element){
        //This return is meant for the filter, but returns on .doStuff callback
       return sub_element.thing === "ok";

The problem here, is I don't know how to return the predicate's result here, as webservices.doStuff is asynchronous!

Any idea?

You should take a look in the async.js library https://github.com/caolan/async which can do alot of async requests, and issue a single callback when all the request are done, and provide you with a list of all the results, which you then can apply you filter function on. I cannot remember you you can provide a predicate function right away describe which results that should be in the final resultset, but it should be do able to do such a thing, without too much work, if the library doesn't already support it.

Take a look at the filter function in the async.js documentation.

I would use Q or async to do this. Consider following example, you wrap each web service call in a promise and define another promise that will be resolved when all promises are resolved. Then you filter results ( ie array of all returns from all calls) according to your logic.

 var source = [{a : 1}, {a:2}...] // your data

 var all = Q.all(source.map((o) => Q.Promise((resolve, reject,notify) 
                   => webService.doStuff(o, resolve, reject))))

 all.then((ret) => _.filter(ret.data, (elem) => elem.thing === "ok"))
    .then((filtered) => ... // do something with filtered )

Most likely your web service proxy already have binding with Q or another promise library. So your code is going to be simpler, something like:

var all = Q.all(source.map(webService.doStuff))

Or at least you can refactor it to be that simple.

Overall due to non-blocking-accept-callback-and-go nature of node.js environment, it is essential to master one promise library or another, async and Q are two most popular to the best of my knowledge.

( Update : right now it seems to be bluebird, and it is fastest too.)

Having either of them allow you to come up with much easier design when dealing with async calls.

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