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How to set a Telerik grid to allowing vertical scrolling

I have a gridview and I with a normal windows form I can set overflow-y:scroll; and it allow me to scroll all the rows and keeping the same format. When I try it with a Telerik grid I get a very similar result but the formatting does not stay the same. I set the grid to 950px and and the first rows are the correct color format after those immediate few the rest are the same as my page backgroud.

example asp: Blue, White, Blue, White, Is correct

Telerik: Blue, White, Blue, White, Background Color, White, Background Color, White

Is there a property I need to set to allow all the rows in the table to be the same format other than what I already have? Or any other ideas on how to fix this will be greatly appreciated!

<form id="form1" style="background-color:Black; overflow-y:scroll; height:950px"" runat="server">

    <telerik:RadScriptManager ID="RadScriptManager1" Runat="server">

    <telerik:RadGrid ID="MissingPluGrid" runat="server" Width="900px" 
        BackColor="#0099CC" Height="1000px">
    <br />
    <br />

Try this-

<Scrolling AllowScroll="True" UseStaticHeaders="True"></Scrolling>

For your reference - http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/grid/examples/functionality/scrolling/scrolling/defaultcs.aspx

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