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Custom scroll-bar for body on bootstrap 3

I try to use best solution for bootstrap custom scroll-bar but so far nothing special:| I want to be able to replace default browser scroll-bar on body and inside on other elements like panels or wells, textarea ... I found this plugin and woks just fine but if I want to replace body scroll is not working as in other cases. Am I not doing something right or ... can someone explain me why is not working for <body> or if can just suggest me other plugins except: jQuery slimScroll, malihu-custom-scrollbar-plugin, jScrollPane because I already tested and aren't good for my project.

Here is a small fiddle example


Ok, I see what you mean now - looks to me like you can't really use this javascript scroll solution on the <body> tag as it gets confused by the hidden parts of the other scrolled elements.

I would suggest wrapping everything in a <div id=bodyDiv> , styling it to use only the available window space and then adding the scrollbar to that to simulate the scroll being on <body> :


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