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Discovering and Connecting to a BLE device

I think this question has been asked in different forms but there is no clear answer. I want to be able to discover all available BLE device and connect to any of them. My peripheral device advertises a certain service. I read about 32feet.NET library and tried to use it but apparently it does not support BLE, and the only way I can scan my device through this library is to connect to windows first and then do the discovery. I also went through this article: Acuire data by C# from BLE but it didn't work for my device and I couldn't do any scanning. I even bought TI BLE dongle and tried their sample app: TI sample app but it didn't work with my peripheral device. Then I tried to use Windows 8 sample code for BLE Heart-rate app it worked fine with a heart rate BLE sensor, but still I couldn't get it to work with my peripheral device.

I thought there is a problem with my device but there is an app in iPhone called LightBlue which discovers BLE devices and can act as a peripheral device too, I even used that app but couldn't get it to work with Windows.

So my question is, is there any way or library or anything for C# that I can use to scan BLE devices and connect to them and send/received date?


我无法为Windows Form风格的程序找到一个库,但是,Universal Windows Apps有Windows.Devices.Bluetooth命名空间,它可以让你完成你描述的所有事情(尽管边缘有些粗糙)。

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