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Secure Connection from LAMP to IIS Web API

I already have an existing LAMP application. I am going to integrate a 3rd part API which uses C#, so I'm planning to create a Web API for them to be connected. No other website will connect to the web API other than the LAMP app. How do I make a secure connection from my LAMP app to the web API? Thanks.

If it is just API calls and nothing dealing with interfaces you can use Encrypted WebSockets or create your Authorization headers... which could be a bit of work and would only work between the those two applications.

The most secure way to lock them up is a combination of a secure HTTP request (HTTPS) coupled with a Client Certificate.

All of these things are quite a tall order; you're best bet is to just get/create a half-way decent SSL certificate and use BASIC authentication. Your authorization headers will be encrypted. Even a self-signed certificate would work; make sure to research on how to make a self-signed certificate the most secure it can be. Also your LAMP server will likely make use of cURL to send the requests to the C# server, you'll want to make use of the curl -k option if you're going to be using a self-signed cert.

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