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Carousel last thumb doesn't work

I have a carousel but somehow the last thumb doesn't work, you can double click it and shows wrong large image.. I really can't find the issue :(

Here it works with the last thumb: CAROUSEL

Here it doesn't: FIDDLE

The script:

 $(function() {

                responsive: false,
                circular: false,
                auto: false,
                items: {
                visible: 2,
                width: 1000,
                height: '475'
                scroll: {
                fx: 'crossfade'

                responsive: true,
                circular: false,
                infinite: false,
                auto: false,
                prev: '#prev',
                next: '#next',
                items: {
                visible: {
                min: 2,
                max: 4
                width: 254,
                height: 112

        $('#thumbs a').click(function() {
        $('#carousel').trigger('slideTo', '#' + this.href.split('#').pop() );
        $('#thumbs a').removeClass('selected');
        return false;


$('#carousel').carouFredSel({ needed to be

visible: 1 and NOT visible: 2

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