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Thread1 exc_bad_access (code =2)… help me

i've been fixing this problem for a few days. but can't seem to get it.. help me out ..

let me explain my situation. Basically, i have navigation controller that contains table view controller and view controller. and i'm making simple phone book app.

And, i have a directory entry declared in extension class

@interface DetailViewController ()

@property DirectoryEntry *dirEntry;


And, in table view, when you click the button it will transfer some data through segue

- (void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender

    DetailViewController *detailCV = [segue destinationViewController];

    if ([segue.identifier isEqualToString:@"cellToDetail"]) {

        [detailCV setDirEntry: [self.pbArray objectAtIndex:[self.tableView     indexPathForSelectedRow].row]];

    } else {

        detailCV.dirEntry = nil;


    //designate delegate !!!
    detailCV.delegate = self;


My Problem occurs when it execute detailCV.dirEntry = nil; it will call my setter in viewController. it says EXC_BAD_ACCESS

 -(void) setDirEntry:(DirectoryEntry *) dirEntry {
    self.dirEntry  = dirEntry;

Thank you in advance..

It's not an EXC_BAD_ACCESS so much as the OS killing your app for smashing the stack. This method is recursing infinitely:

-(void) setDirEntry:(DirectoryEntry *) dirEntry {
    self.dirEntry  = dirEntry;

Your use of dot notation expands to a setter which should make this more clear.

-(void) setDirEntry:(DirectoryEntry *) dirEntry {
    [self setDirEntry:dirEntry];

Set the instance variable directly, or let the compiler handle it. Properties in class extensions are automatically synthesized.

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