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count findAll records in Yii

I want to find all records from user table except one user type. ie I have a user table dec_user where there is an attributes user_type . I want to find all records except user_type 9 . Then I'll count the number of rows. So, I wrote as:

$user_type = 9;
    return count(User::model()->findAll(array("condition"=>"':user_type' != $user_type")));

Actually, I do not understand how to write this condition.

You do not need to retrieve an array from database and count it using the PHP count() function.

The Yii way:

return User::model()->count('user_type <> '.$user_type);

or by using params:

return User::model()->count('user_type <> :type', array('type' => $user_type);

or, if you want to build the SQL query, use commandBuilder:

return Yii::app()->db->createCommand()
            ->where('user_type <> '.$user_type)

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